Latest from the Westender

Congratulations, Mr. Gore. But where to now?

Al Gore is a former tobacco farmer, a former U.S. congressman, a former
U.S. senator, a former U.S. Vice President, a former almost-President,
an author, an Emmy winner, an Oscar winner, and now, a winner of the
Nobel Peace Prize. His poor family must be wondering when he’ll settle
on a career. (Nov 08 2007)

Global warming evidence is real. Let’s get serious

Ever read the newspaper and get the eerie feeling that you’ve entered
the Twilight Zone? I’ve been getting that feeling a lot recently.
Here’s the source of my current frustration: Scientists’ warnings about
the threats that global warming pose to nature, human health and the
world economy have never been more acute, more specific or more
worrisome. (Nov 08 2007)

Birds benefit from global efforts

With so many bad news stories about the environment in the media, it’s
nice to hear about good news for a change — especially when it relates
to international cooperation. (Nov 01 2007)

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