Imagine BC

Imagine BC is an initiative of Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, bringing a forward-thinking perspective to examining British Columbia’s future. Our objective is to draw together a network of opinion leaders and citizens who bring imagination, openness and dialogue to the complex challenges facing BC. This initiative was created to ignite province-wide, long-view dialogues that involve British Columbians in a conversation about our province and the society we hope to achieve. Imagine BC exists as a rare, independent, realistic platform that invites policy-makers and the public to think critically about the future and its possibilities.
Each year, Imagine BC explores the future of BC through the lens of a distinctive theme. An initial expert dialogue inspires and informs a series of larger dialogues throughout the year and across the province, engaging members of the public, as well as experts in economics, ecology, education, health, Aboriginal issues, business, technology and culture. This year we are exploring the future of education in BC. We are asking what educational conditions and innovations are necessary to build durable economies and good communities? What skills, aptitudes and attitudes will best equip a new generation of creative workers and committed citizens?
More details about the Imagine BC project can be found at
Download the report at
Imagine BC: Dialogues on the Future of British Columbia

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