Pollutants Contaminate Blood of Federal Politicians

Harmful pollutants have been found in the bodies of four federal politicians who volunteered to have their blood tested as part of Environmental Defence?s Toxic Nation campaign.

Environment Minister Rona Ambrose, Health Minister Tony Clement, NDP Leader Jack Layton and Liberal Environment Critic John Godfrey were tested for 103 different pollutants. The report, Toxic Nation on Parliament Hill: A Report on Pollution in Four Canadian Politicians, reveals that John Godfrey had the highest total number of pollutants found at 55, followed by Health Minister Tony Clement and Jack Layton at 54 and Environment Minister Rona Ambrose at 49. The politicians were tested for a broad range of pollutants that are widespread in the environment and commonly used in everyday products.
?Our tests show that pollution affects everyone. From Parliament Hill to kids in Vancouver and Saint John, harmful pollutants are contaminating the bodies of Canadians no matter where they live, how old they are or where they work, play or go to school,? said Dr. Rick Smith, Executive Director, Environmental Defence.

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