Alberta Stewardship Network

The Alberta Stewardship Network (ASN) is a provincial stewardship initiative established in 2004, with partners from federal and provincial government agencies, non-government organizations, community stewardship groups, and Aboriginal communities. The need for a provincial stewardship network was identified by community-based stewards through recent workshops, surveys, and consultations. Stewards have indicated that they need better access to funding sources, technical and scientific information, and training in recruiting and keeping volunteers. Some groups have also said they feel isolated and do not have the sense that their work is appreciated by society. Thus, the Alberta Stewardship Network was established as one tool to address these needs.

Services currently offered by the ASN include a toll-free number (1-877-7-ASK-ASN) for directing stewards to existing resources, and this website (, which features stewardship organization profiles, funding resources, scientific and technical information, and group success stories. Advanced mapping tools,

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