Thousands sign petition to urge Alberta’s Premier to meet the public for an independent pipeline review

Edmonton – In just over a week, over 5,000 people have signed a petition asking Alberta Premier Alison Redford to meet with representatives of over 54 groups that have requested an independent review of pipeline safety in Alberta.

“The oil industry has an open door policy with the Alberta government. However, when people come knocking, we find the door locked and bolted,” said Don Bester, with the Alberta Surface Rights group. “Fifty-four groups initially called for the independent pipeline review and Premier Redford has yet to meet with even one of them. Hopefully the provincial government will pay attention to the petition and meet with public groups on the pipeline safety review not just big oil.”

The groups that pushed the Premier to announce the independent pipeline safety review are hoping to meet with the Premier as they continue to have concerns about the current review. The groups’ concerns range from the Energy Resources Conservation Board’s involvement in the review, the short timeline of the review and third group party submission process, and the narrow scope of the pipeline review itself.

“We have a lot of concerns that need to be addressed in order for this review to be seen as legitimate,” said Mike Hudema, with Greenpeace Canada. “It’s time the government met with the public on the pipeline review. The longer they refuse to do so the more the questions regarding the pipeline review will continue to grow.”

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