It’s a topic that simply won’t go away. Many prominent Canadian researchers have complained that the Federal Government has not been allowing them to speak to journalists about their cutting-edge research.
The concern recently prompted the Canadian Science Writers’ Association to send an open letter to Stephen Harper, asking him to “unmuzzle” scientists. And in another case reported by the CBC, biologist Kristi Miller has allegedly been kept from talking to journalists about her research into the Pacific salmon stock for the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The controversial issue will be covered in detail tonight by renowned climatologist Michael E. Mann, who is perhaps best known for his famous “hockey stick” graph showing the increase in global temperatures. Mann will be appearing on CBC’s George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight on Wednesday, March 28 at 11:05 pm.
In the clip above, to be aired on the show, Mann likens the current Canadian government to the George W. Bush administration in the US for its treatment of climate scientists.
Related articles
- Are Federal Scientists ‘Muzzled’ By Ottawa? (huffingtonpost.ca)
- Science journalists appeal to Harper with open letter to stop muzzling (vancouverobserver.com)
- How ‘muzzled’ are Canada’s federal scientists? (cbc.ca)
- Journal Nature tells Canada to stop muzzling scientists (ctv.ca)
- Federal scientists say they’re being muzzled (thestar.com)

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