Leading Change: Forum for Young Sustainability Leaders

Leading Change is a Canada-wide movement started by young environmental and sustainability professionals working together to catalyze action and influence positive change locally, regionally and internationally.

It kicks off with a Forum for 150 Emerging Leaders on March 13, 2012 in Vancouver, and will complement the GLOBE 2012 conference–focused on building the next generation of corporate leaders, policy thinkers, entrepreneurs and community actors.


  • Meet with executive mentors
  • Learn about green jobs
  • Network with other talented young leaders

Individuals selected as participants will receive:

  • Admission to the Forum’s plenary panels, breakout sessions, keynotes and social activities designed for emerging environmental leaders
  • Discounted accommodation in downtown Vancouver
  • Unique networking opportunities with political and industry leaders in environment
  • The opportunity to connect with 150 passionate emerging environmental leaders from across Canada

Additional benefits may include:

  • Access to select GLOBE 2012 plenary panels, breakout sessions, keynotes and social events from March 14-16
  • Partial subsidization of some expenses for out of town participants

Application Process:

Emerging sustainability professionals can apply at www.leadingchange2012.ca. The second round of applications closes on January 17, 2012. Forum participation is limited, so apply today!


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