Deep Green Resistance Training coming to Edmonton

Derrick Jensen and rad co-facilitating friends are likely going be coming to Edmonton, Alberta on March 26-28th to do a 3 day intensive workshop called Deep Green Resistance. This 3-day workshop is particularly relevant to those of us who have been resisting the industrial developments of more tar sands, nuclear power and other environmental destructive projects. By bringing this conference to the prairies we will be building on the grassroots community that is already coming together, building on our network and strengthening our skills to bring about the changes we need to see.

The Deep Green Resistance training is a three-day workshop for activists, change-makers, and other concerned or inspired folks who are interested in delving into some critical reflection on the state of the world and our role in fixing it. We live in the most destructive culture to ever exist, yet does our activism reflect that? If we really accept the seriousness of the situation, what would that mean for our strategy and tactics? How do we build up a culture of resistance? These are some of the deep questions that will be explored over the weekend, while we build on our skills to continue doing good works.

The Deep Green Resistence is facilitated by Lierre Keith (, Aric MacBay (, and Derrick Jensen ( and promises to be an experience
that you don’t want to miss!!

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