TO. Greenspiration Events: climate justice, Olympic circus

Toronto Greenspiration Events

Swarm for Climate Justice
Mon. December-14, 12:30 PM-2:30 PM
Meet at the Corner of Bay & King

While world leaders convene in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate an international treaty on Climate Change, Canada’s colonial government continues to develop the Tar Sands project, the most destructive project on the planet. Government and big business continue to put profits over the lives and rights of Indigenous communities who are most affected by the Tar Sands.

In the weeks leading up to Copenhagen, people have been organizing peaceful, civil disobedience in different cities across the country. Groups have staged weekly sit-ins at government offices.  International days of action have seen civil disobedience and mobilizations for Climate Justice take place world wide.

Now more than ever it’s time to respond to the call to action. A multi-generational delegation of 21 Indigenous Peoples from North America have arrived in Copenhagen this week to advocate for the incorporation of Indigenous Peoples rights in the language of a fair, binding, and science-based global climate treaty at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In Toronto people are gathering in solidarity, to call attention to the demands of this delegation and raise our voices and our disruptive spirits against Tar Sands financiers. JOIN US!
Get ready for post-Copenhagen lobbying!
Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m.
West Toronto Baptist Church
3049 Dundas St. W.
(Junction 40 bus from Dundas West TTC Station)

Post Copenhagen, we need to talk to our MPs! A briefing session on how to lobby your MP (right here in Toronto) will be held. We will be organizing teams of people to go on these visits, and welcome anyone who has already attended a briefing session to come to this one to link up with others in their riding.
Hope to see you there!
Lynn McDonald
for JustEarth,
Alternatives presents an electrifying panel discussion: Protecting our Joules: Why conserving energy is not (yet) a national sport
Do you wonder why everyone doesn’t use CF lightbulbs?
Does green energy’s slow progress dumbfound you?
Are you curious about why it’s so difficult to get Canadians to adopt
energy efficiency measures?

If so, then join us on December 15. The discussion will explore the difficulties of convincing Canadians to adopt cost-effective energy efficiency options, including the myriad ways we can remedy this situation.

Ontario’s Former Chief Energy Conservation Officer: Peter F. Love
Trent U’s Renewable Energy Researcher: Stephen Hill
Direct Energy’s VP of Corporate Strategy: Len Diplock
Decision Partners’ Founding Partner: Sarah Thorne

Alternatives Journal’s executive editor Nicola Ross will engage the panelists in a thought-provoking and interactive discussion on the topic. With Steve Pakin’s The Agenda as the model, the discussion will be energetic, entertaining and enlightening.

Free and open to the public but seating is limited, so PLEASE REGISTER by
Tues. December 15th, 5pm-7pm
at the Sustainability Network, 215 Spadina Ave., Suite 128, Toronto
Complimentary wine and cheese reception afterwards.
More info at:
Get the NEW ENERGY issue FREE when you subscribe at the launch.
Expose the Olympic Circus! Block the Olympic Torch!
– a massive street circus you don’t want to miss – one! Come All! Pull out your brightest (and warmest) threads! Put on your shiniest (and fastest) shoes and wheels! Expose the Olympic Circus! Block the Olympic Torch! – a massive street circus you don’t want to miss –
Thur. 17 December 2009
South East Corner of Yonge and Dundas
North East Corner of College and University
Time and location may change. Check frequently

The Olympics Torch is about colonial theft of indigenous land; corporate profit grabbing; ecological destruction, militarization and migrant exploitation.

Take up the fight for Indigenous Sovereignty! Migrant Justice! Climate Justice! Income Equality!
Dress up as your favourite rejected Olympics mascot Sassy the Stolen Ceremony, Bitie the BedBug, Dean the Deforester, Gary the Green Washer.
Bring music, food and friends.
Are you an organizer? An amazing planner? Have a flair for crafts? COME to the planning meets and prop making days. Details follow If you are not from Toronto and wondering if you should come, you SHOULD.

Toronto is seeing massive cuts to housing, social services, and increased attacks on poor, migrant, unemployed and underemployed communities. It is also hosting the 2010 G8/20 Leaders Summit and the 2015 Pan-Am Games, all projects to attack people’s sovereignty and self-determination. All attacks that we resist. Olympic Resitance is part of that struggle.

Come HEAR from members from the Native Youth Movement (Coast Salish Territories) on December 5, 7:00pm, 95 Charles Street West!

More on the Olympics:
Planning Meetings: 3 & 10 Dec, 6pm, 252 Bloor West
Costume/Prop/Silk Screening/Banner Parties: Dec 7 (4-8pm); Dec 8 (5-9pm);
Dec 13 (2-6pm). 100 Devonshire Place. – email
Organized by the Toronto Extinguish the Torch Committee
Public Health as a Social Justice Issue and the Legitimacy of the Human Rights Framework

Professor Paul Hamel, Director of the Health Studies program at the University of Toronto will discuss the demands which a comprehensive approach to public health, and health as a public good, places on the existing human rights framework. He will review its adequacy and consider criticisms and improvements with reference to strong and demanding norms
of social justice.

Friday, December 18, 2009, from 2 pm to 4 pm
University College, Room 177, 15 King’s College Circle, University of Toronto
The event is organized by Science for Peace and Health Studies Program,
University of Toronto.
Denmark cycles into future, while Toronto `lags behind’
City’s sl
ow progress on bike lanes an
gers cyclists inspired by Copenhagen’s efforts–denmark-cycles-into-future-while-toronto-lags-behind
Chocosol – give the gift of conscious chocolate!

Through reciprocal intercultural relationships with small producers in Southern Mexico, ChocoSol obtains high quality, sustainably-grown cacao beans.  Hard-working chocosolistas at the Cacao Loft on St. Joseph Street downtown Toronto turn the raw beans into wholesome chocolate foods with the help of   bicycle technologies and additions of locally-grown herbs and seeds. Dignity, social consciousness, invention, and voluntary simplicity  are some of the foundational principles that underlie the Chocosol work ethic.

And chocolate is just the beginning of a story still being created! This holiday season, our chocolate hold is brimming with new creations and we are opening up the Cacao Loft to customers who are looking for meaningful gifts.
·         Chia Pets
·         Cacao beans, nibs, protein powder, and butter
·         Vanilla pods
·         Coffee
·         Spices, seasonings
·         Artisanal-made eating and drinking chocolate (including hemp butter cups and coconut butter cups)
·         Hemp cookies, cacao cookies
·         Earthenware pottery from Southern Mexico
·         Molinillos
·         Coconut butter
·         Fresh locally-harvested hemp seeds
·         Signed copies of Wayne Roberts’ No Nonsense Guide to World Food

Wares may be purchased individually or as combinations.
Some suggested $30.00 gift combinations are:
a)      Drinking chocolate tri-pack and hand-drawn zine, molinillo,
pottery piece
b)     Savoury salts from Mexico, palm hearts, hemp seeds, copy of Wayne
Roberts’ No-Nonsense Guide to World Food
c)      Chia Pet, chia seeds, and gourmet eating chocolate.
4th Floor – Cacao Loft, 6 St. Joseph, Toronto (Wellesley and Yonge)

(416) 923-6675
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Fridays, 10 am – 5 pm
Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
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