Volunteer as an ecoDriver and Save

Originally shared by: http://climatechangeconnection.org

Are you looking for ways to save money and the environment? Learn how to lower your emissions, increase your fuel economy and reduce your overall fuel and vehicle maintenance costs as a volunteer with ecoDriverManitoba.

“Volunteers will learn ways to decrease harmful effects on the environment and save on fuel costs,” said Arne Elias, executive director of the The Centre for Sustainable Transportation (CST). “Using unique, Manitoba-made GPS equipment, participants will be able to monitor how effective these changes are in saving money and reducing dangerous greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

The CST is looking for 20 volunteers to have their personal vehicles equipped with the devices, which monitors their emissions, fuel use, fuel cost and driving habits. Volunteers will attend three separate information sessions between early September 2009 and mid February 2010 to learn green driving tips.

The program is designed to affect and enable behaviour change to reduce particulate and GHG emissions in Manitoba through a variety of social marketing, education and outreach activities reaching the province’s driving public and soon-to-be drivers.

“You can achieve measurable results without having to buy a new car, change your regular driving routes or purchase new equipment,” said Elias. “Informed, conscientious drivers help build a safer and more sustainable transportation system.”

In addition to the fuel and environmental savings, volunteers will receive a small honorarium and a one-year membership with the CST upon completion of the six-month program.

To volunteer, visit centreforsustainabletransportation.org/ecodriver.htm, e-mail ecodrivermb@uwinnipeg.ca or phone (204) 988-7182.

ecoDriver Manitoba is a component of the Drive Green Manitoba program, a joint initiative funded by Natural Resource Canada and the Province of Manitoba. The project is coordinated by Green Manitoba. Project partners include the CST, Climate Change Connection, Resource Conservation Manitoba, Manitoba Public Insurance and the Province’s Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Agency.

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