Environmentally-minded, Retrofit, and Children Play – [ Green Communities News] GCNews # 625

625: 30 March 2009 – Published by Green Communities Canada

DAVE IS BACK! Dave McLeod has been hired as Marketing Project Manager for the Home Performance Department of Green Communities Canada. His background includes almost two decades in sales and marketing with Coca-Cola, followed by five years as manager of Peterborough Green-Up, six years with Green Communities (including a time as director of Home Performance). Most recently Dave executed the successful start up and operation an independent retail business. Contact Dave at 705 745 7479 ext. 151.

RETROFIT. Until 31 March 2011, federal grants under the ecoENERGY- Retrofit Homes program will increase by 25 %. To qualify, homeowners must first have a pre-retrofit energy evaluation by a certified evaluator and a post evaluation following the renovations.

WELL SAID. “Well Aware […] is an excellent resource” on groundwater basics, well maintenance and self-assessment process for your well, says Midland Mirror article.

GREEN WEDNESDAYS. Green Ideas Network presents movie Deconstructing Supper, a look into genetically modified foods. Kwantleen, 8 April … Chef Mark Bittman is a vegan ’till six.

POPULAR DEMAND. Sixty-five participants attended a Region of Peel Lunch n’ Learn EcoDriver workshop delivered by Ranjana Mitra, of Brampton Community Environment Alliance … Ranjana talks about Share-IT on TVO GetInvolved documentary series.

TAKE ACTION. Équiterre invites people to Rise to the Challenge of climate change by taking a few simple, concrete steps … Who’s your Family Farmer? is the theme of Équiterre‘s Community Supported Agriculture program.

CHILDREN PLAY. Greening Nipissing’s Video of the Month is Power Up, a video game aiming at saving Planet Helios from ecological devastation.

CLEAN ENERGY CORPS. See U.S. proposal for a "bold, innovative idea for matching up the people who most need work with the work that most needs to be done."

ENVIRONMENTALLY-MINDED. A majority (57%) of Canadians agree that Canada should take serious action on climate change right now, even if it means higher deficits; and 3/4 say we should only adopt stimulus measures that are environmentally sustainable, says Ipsos Reid poll. "Maybe instead of creating jobs in the tar sands we can create them in the environmental sector."

ONE MILLION GOAL. Join the Canadian Million Cartridge Challenge. So far, 838,000 ink cartridges have been collected. Grand total will be announced on Earth Day.

LEFT AT THE CURB. Because of its three-wheel design, an electric car delivering 100 miles of driving on an 8-hour charge does not qualify for US Department of Energy’s $25 billion loan program for ultra-efficient cars – the same fund from which GM has requested more than $8 billion.

JOBS. Greenpeace, Climate and Energy Campaigner. Toronto, due 13 April. … Climate Change Connection, Drive Greener Idle-Free Coordinator. Winnipeg, due 13 April.

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