EDC launches ‘Save Trees Not Paper’ program

Toronto, ON – Earth Day Canada (EDC) is pleased to announce the launch of its innovative new SAVE TREES NOT PAPER™ environmental initiative designed to help Canadians go paperless by capitalizing on the opportunities presented by new software technology.

Earth Day Canada has partnered with Org-Matters Solutions Inc., producers of the popular organizational and e-filing software Electronic Filing Cabinet for Dummies to give Canadians special access to a software program that will help every Canadian move to a paperless world and proactively make a difference in the environment.

“The impact of the mass amounts of paper consumed in our day-today lives is staggering,” states Earth Day Canada President Jed Goldberg. “Most corporations have offered their customers the option of sending their invoices by email. This simple software allows the consumer to catalogue this electronic information in an easy-to-use software solution.”

Through the partnership, Earth Day Canada will make the software available to Canadians at special discounted prices from the Earth Day Canada website (www.earthday.ca). Corporations and organizations can also order pre-authorized download coupons of the software as giveaways to clients.

“Our software was designed to ride the wave of society’s eventual move to a more paperless world, largely driven by technology,” adds Org-Matters CEO Michael Schweizer. “Our partnership with Earth Day Canada highlights the impact that some minor behaviour changes by consumers can create in the environment, while giving us an incredible opportunity to work with Canada’s pre-eminent environmental charity to educate consumers. We are thrilled to embark on this mission to help make a difference.”

Some Paper Facts

  • If every North American with a home PC (roughly 250 million) received and filed the bills and statements that are already available electronically from their financial institutions and utilities, each would save an average of 700-900 pieces of paper and 200 envelopes per year. That’s 275 Billion pieces of paper!
  • If every Tax Payer chose to Save their return as a PDF and e-file with the government, that would save another 5 Billion sheets of paper!
  • If every e-bay shopper saved their purchase receipt electronically instead of printing it, that’s over 1 Billion sheets of paper!
  • If all 26 million weekly online shopper in North America chose to save their purchase receipt electronically instead of printing it, that would save another 1.35 Billion sheets of paper!
  • Saving 280 billion sheets of paper annually equals 34 million trees saved! (The average pine tree yields approximately 8 333 sheets of standard photocopy paper. )

About Earth Day Canada
Earth Day Canada (EDC), a national environmental charity founded in 1990, provides Canadians with the practical knowledge and tools they need to lessen their impact on the environment. In 2004 it was recognized as the top environmental education organization in North America, for its innovative year-round programs and educational resources, by the Washington-based North American Association for Environmental Education, the world’s largest association of environmental educators. In 2008 it was chosen as Canada’s “Outstanding Non-profit Organization” by the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication. EDC regularly partners with thousands of organizations in all parts of Canada.

About Org-Matters Solutions
A licensed partner of Wiley Publishing, Inc.’s “For Dummies” brand and develops organizational and storage products designed to help consumers manage their important information with easy-to-understand simplicity. The launch of the hugely popular and critically acclaimed Filing Cabinet for Dummies software in February 2007 resulted in over 15,000 new users in the first 30 days. The software is now available at BestBuy, Staples, Amazon.ca and HomeDepot.ca. The use of the Filing Cabinet for Dummies is a key player in reducing the unnecessary printing of paper by e-filing what matters, thereby contributing to the potential saving of 34 million North American trees.


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