*Submissions due March 23, 2009*
If we look upstream for the ultimate cause of the economic crisis that is tearing so many lives apart, we find an illusion: the belief that money – a mere number created with a single accounting entry that has no reality outside the human mind – is wealth.
From Agenda for a New Economy by David C. Korten
Many people believe that our current economic crisis offers society a window of opportunity: A chance to bring about the fundamental changes that will transform our economy and place a fitting value on the wealth inherent in a healthy environment and robust communities.
In this issue of /Alternatives Journal/, we are looking for in-depth and thought-provoking essays that describe Canada as a transformed society. One, for example, in which activities that contribute to unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions are unaffordable, in which polluting water is more costly than keeping it clean, in which taxes encourage sustainable practices and discourage short-term profit-taking, and in which buying things isn’t the solution.
We are looking for a series of 1500-word essays that deal with the deep-seated, fundamental, possibly painful changes required to bring about this transformation and are specific to a particular sector (energy, tourism, retail, mining, etc.). We want to hear about existing examples, such as ongoing initiatives and active pilot projects, that illustrate what can – and should – be done.
We invite you to answer the question: If we jump through this window of opportunity, what will the new economy look like on the other side?
/Alternatives Journal/ combines the learned rigour of an academic journal with the breezy style of a magazine. We aim to publish the best environmental writing in the country – writing that is engaging, thought-provoking and insightful.
Before responding to this call for submissions, please read several back issues of the magazine so that you understand the nature of our publication. We also suggest you go through the detailed submission guidelines on our website (www.alternativesjournal.ca) to understand the types and lengths of articles we accept.
Queries should explain, in less than 300 words, the content and scope of your article, and should convey your intended approach, tone and style. Please include a list of people you will interview, potential images or sources for images and the number of words you propose to write. We would also like to receive a very short bio. And if you have not written for /Alternatives/ before, please include other examples of your writing.
Articles for this issue are expected to be 1500 words in length.
Keep in mind that our lead time is several months. Articles should not be so time-bound that they will seem dated once published.
/Alternatives/ has a limited budget of about 10 cents per word for several articles. This stipend is available to professional and amateur writers and students only. Please indicate your interest in this funding in your submission.
*Send submissions electronically to Nicola Ross, executive editor (editor @ alternativesjournal.ca) by March 23, 2009.*
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