Community Bicycle Network

CBM-logo.jpgCBN is a community-based bicycle organization with the goal of promoting and stimulating healthy, active, and neighbourhood-friendly sustainable transportation initiatives within the City of Toronto.
The Community Bicycle Network (CBN) was established in 1993 as a project of the Toronto Christian Resource Centre (TCRC), a charitable organization which supports and administers a number of social justice programs.
CBN works to stimulate, support and link together a wide range of community-based bicycle initiatives in the City of Toronto. CBN houses an array of activities from repair and skills workshops, bike promotion programs and bicycle recycling efforts, to urban revitalization activities. CBN serves as a community resource and offers an accessible, affordable place for community groups concerned with sustainable transportation and urban affairs to convene. CBN operates with the support of scores of regular volunteers and the generous contributions from individuals and organizations. CBN’s core mission is to make sustainable, community-friendly transportation accessible to all in the city of Toronto.
The Community Bicycle Network operates under the CBN Association By-laws, and is guided in its mission by the CBN Board of Directors whose officers are elected annually by the membership, and by a Community Board, whose members are appointed annually by the CBN Board.
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