When’s the last time you met someone that liked their junk mail? That’s right, never. It clogs your mailbox, takes a ton of time to sort, shred, or recycle and wastes counter space.
More than 100,000,000 trees are chopped down and 28 billion gallons of water are wasted EVERY YEAR producing junk mail. Unbelievably, Canadians receive some 13 billion pieces of admail annually. Most of this goes straight to the trash or recycling bin.
For C$36, GreenDimes will reduce the admail that comes to your home and and plant a bunch of trees on your behalf. We can also opt you out of phone and fax solicitations to boot.
Imagine less junk mail, more counter space, and a more trees! We’re like a tonic for your sanity. Drink up ? it’ll feel good!
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