Woodland caribou need urgent protection in Manitoba
Manitoba government needs to live up to its legal responsibility to protect woodland caribou, say conservation groups. Continue reading Woodland caribou need urgent protection in Manitoba
Manitoba government needs to live up to its legal responsibility to protect woodland caribou, say conservation groups. Continue reading Woodland caribou need urgent protection in Manitoba
After a federal panel finds caribou at risk in Alberta, the province decides to sell off critical habitat areas for further industrial development. Continue reading Critical caribou habitat is being sold to the energy industry in Alberta
University of Calgary professor co-authors a global reindeer and caribou population analysis that offers some worrisome conclusions. Continue reading Climate change will endanger caribou habitat, study says
The federal government’s draft woodland caribou recovery strategy — released last week, four years overdue — is illegal and fails on multiple fronts to comply with requirements under the Species at Risk Act, Ecojustice said. Continue reading Proposed woodland caribou recovery strategy violates SARA