Local climate change lawsuit argued tomorrow

Local climate change lawsuit to be argued in court tomorrow

Last year, a group of Saskatchewan citizens and Climate Justice Saskatoon launched a lawsuit against the Government of Saskatchewan and SaskPower, arguing that in the face of the climate change emergency, SaskPower needs to move to a low emission electricity grid by 2035. The case also asserts that the greenhouse gas pollution associated with an ongoing expansion of gas-fired electricity generation in our province violates our Charter rights to life, security of person, and equality. The case has attracted star expert witnesses including world famous NASA scientist Dr. James Hansen, who first warned the US Senate of the dangers of climate change in 1988.

This has the potential to be a precedent setting climate change lawsuit in Canada and merits public attention. It is important to note that SaskPower and the Government of Saskatchewan are asking that the case not be heard at all. The provincial government has filed an application to strike which is a request to not have the case considered by the court.

Tomorrow, on October 4, 2024, a special hearing will proceed at the Court of King’s Bench in Regina where arguments around the application to strike will be made. The Saskatchewan government will argue in support of the application to strike, while the applicants will oppose the application to strike.

Earlier this year, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) asked to intervene in this case—with the view to opposing the application to strike—but this request was denied by the Court of King’s Bench. Thus, SES will not be able to argue tomorrow that this case should be heard. However, SES is hopeful that the application to strike will not be successful, and that SES will be ultimately granted permission to intervene in the main action.

SES feels that we have important and meaningful contributions to make about the decisions being made right now by the Government of Saskatchewan and SaskPower regarding power generation in our province. We also have two outstanding expert witnesses who deserve to be heard. It is urgent that SaskPower move towards a low emission electricity future as rapidly as possible.


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