Woodbridge, Ontario – Earth Rangers, a charitable organization dedicated to educating children about biodiversity loss and empowering them to take action, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy of Canada is thrilled to announce the launch of Bring Back the Wild™ an innovative kid-powered fundraising campaign. The Bring Back the Wild campaign is designed to help protect animals by raising funds to restore and preserve their wild habitats.
“Empowering change and inspiring action is a crucial component in the Earth Rangers plan,” says Peter Kendall, Executive Director of Earth Rangers. “Through our Bring Back the Wild campaign, we are reaching out to children and their families to assist us in supporting endangered habitats across the country, paying particular attention to protecting specific animal species in each area.”
The funds raised by the Bring Back the Wild campaign will support the protection of four distinct habitats across Canada, as well as further develop Earth Rangers’ educational programs which teach kids about the issue of biodiversity loss and empower them to take action. The Bring Back the Wild campaign encourages children to become Earth Rangers and take positive action to help protect species living in each of the following areas:
- The Jefferson Salamander in Happy Valley Forest, Ontario
- The Grizzly Bear in Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia
- The Peregrine Falcon in Chignecto Bay (Upper Bay of Fundy), New Brunswick
- The Wolverine in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta
“We’re delighted to be working with Earth Rangers on this innovative campaign to help safeguard Canada’s biodiversity through the protection of natural spaces and the animal and plant life they support,” said John Lounds, President and CEO of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. “The Bring Back the Wild campaign presents a marvelous opportunity for Canada’s youth to make a tangible difference by helping to save the places they will treasure all their lives.”
Earth Rangers’ “Animal Ambassadors” also play an essential role in spreading the Bring Back the Wild message in schools, as well as through a new live show at the Royal Ontario Museum, officially launching on International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2010. The live show is 22 minutes in length and will guide visitors through an interactive discussion about biodiversity loss and introduce them to three remarkable animals.
“Exposing families to the beauty of our Animal Ambassadors and discussing biodiversity in a fun and inspirational way is the focus of our efforts,” adds Kendall. “We’re proud to launch a new live show at the ROM and to inspire families to Bring Back the Wild™ throughout 2010.”
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