flatbed Ottawa Green Bin (www.ottawagreenbin.ca) is a new program that involves collecting residential organic waste and turning it into compost. Using the green bin is an easy way for Ottawa residents to extend the life of local landfills and make a real difference to our environment.

Why green bins?

  • 70 per cent of Ottawa residents are open to a green bin program.1
  • Almost half (45 per cent) of Ottawa’s residential garbage is made up of organic material that could be made into compost instead of going to landfill.
  • By composting, the City can extend the lifecycle of current landfills and defer the hundreds of millions of dollars it would take to find and set up a new landfill.
  • Ottawa Green Bin is an integral part of the City’s overall strategy for waste management and will help the City meet provincial diversion targets.

Getting the message out:

greenbinliaison The Green Bin Ground Crew includes liaison officers who can answer residents’ questions at drop off. There are numerous displays at community centres across the city. Also, the City of Ottawa is using social media elements like YouTube videos, games, and school programming to engage and educate Ottawa residents before collection starts in January 2010.



Learn more:

Youtube.com/greenbinottawa – feel free to link to or share videos.

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Facebook.com/greenbinottawa  – Join the community and have your say.

– This video showcases a neat way to make a homemade kitchen liner, using only a newspaper: http://bit.ly/5SnjNA

– For a slightly irreverent look at composting: http://bit.ly/vqT56

– Check out Julia Dales beatbox the arrival of our program here: http://bit.ly/LbA0n

– This educational game teaches kids how to sort recycling from trash: http://bit.ly/8Jktkd

Visit http://www.greenbinottawa.ca for more information.

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