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Shared from Climate Change Connection.
Climate Change Connection will be able to provide live updates from the United Nations climate change negotiations in Copenhagen (COP 15). CCC’s Dean Medeiros was selected to be part of the Canadian Youth Delegation for COP 15. He will be representing Manitoba and focusing on forest climate change policy, such as obtaining carbon credits from reforestation and forest conservation.
Dean will be available for video-conferencing (via SKYPE) to interact with classrooms and groups in Manitoba whilst in Copenhagen (Dec. 4 – Dec 18). He will be able to provide updates about the negotiations and respond to questions about COP 15, his involvement at COP 15, and climate change issues. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to me at Dean.Medeiros@cydcopenhagen.org along with several options for ideal days and times to meet with your students or group.
Please also visit the Canadian Youth Delegation for direct updates from Copenhagen from a Canadian youth perspective. The Canadian Youth Delegation will be preparing daily briefs about COP15, the CYDaily, which will be available from the website. The websites will also provide updates in the form of podcasts, blogs, and other new media to appeal to a broader audience.
Youth may also consider joining the Manitoba Home Team of the Canadian Youth Delegation. By joining the Manitoba Home Team, youth would join thousands of youth across Canada carrying out peaceful actions to increase public awareness about climate change and COP15. The Home Team will also be undertaking actions and promoting opportunities to encourage youth to respectfully engage with elected officials.
For more information please send an e-mail to the national organizers at hometeam@ourclimate.ca to inform them about your contact information and current location.
We’ll be cheering you on Dean!

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