ECO Canada Launches the Student Video Contest

Originally shared by ECO Canada.

In a growing trend, Canadian schools are incorporating environmental education and career awareness into their learning outcomes and more teachers are looking for ways to get their students out of the classroom and into hands-on learning environments. After meeting with secondary high school teachers, counselors, and students from across Canada, ECO Canada has created an opportunity for all of these educational goals to be met!

The 2009-2010 school year will be the inaugural launch of the ECO Canada High School Video Contest. The video contest is part of ECO Canada’s K-12 environmental career awareness initiative and offers a fun and creative way for high school students to collaborate and explore an environmental issue and related careers. The contest will reward the top five regional winners with $2,000 to put towards an initiative to better their school community.

Working in a team, with a school staff team sponsor, grade 9-12 students will write, produce, edit, and score their own unique five minute video showcasing a current, local environmental issue and the environmental practitioner(s) working on that particular issue. Only one video per school may be entered. The top five videos will be rewarded in the following regions; Atlantic (NS, NL, PE, NB), Quebec (QC), Ontario (ON), Prairies (MB, SK, NU, NT), West Coast (AB, BC, YT).
For more information on the video contest or for an application to get your school involved please email Caihla MacCuish at

More detailed information will be on the ECO Canada website and sent to your school in the coming weeks – Stay tuned!

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