Pncima Matters – Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area

mou_pressrelease_pncima_2 Pncima is the name Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) gave to this huge ocean area when they designated it the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (pronounced pin-SEE-ma).

Globally, this region is precious because of its staggering natural diversity, filled with species and spaces found nowhere else on Earth. B.C.’s central and north coast marine environments are a priceless biological treasure supporting a diversity of fish, deep sea creatures, tidal life, porpoises and whales. Pncima offers inspiration for art and culture, provides a livelihood for thousands of people and its unique heritage attracts visitors from all over the world. Pncima matters to everybody.

This is web site is dedicated to providing information to the general public about why the Pncima matters (for the people, the economy, and environment) and how together the principle stakeholders can help create a sustainable management plan that works.

PncimaMatters is hosted by Living Oceans Society, David Suzuki Foundation and the Sierra Club of BC who believe the ecological integrity and economic importance of Pncima can only be guaranteed through an integrated plan, and that integrated planning can only be accomplished through the meaningful participation of the people who live and work in Pncima.

Visit the web site:

To learn more (and have fun at the same time), visit the Coastal Fling entertainment site:

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